Routine Maintenance & Floor Care

Floor Stains, Gum and Shoe Marks:
Floor stains on wood surface floors can be avoided by wiping spillage from the surface immediately. Staining occurs when spills are absorbed into the finish.
Gum can be removed by freezing and scraping it off with a plastic putty knife. Do not use a metal putty knife as it will scratch your wood floor and tear your vinyl surface.
Shoe marks or scuffmarks that occur on your wood surface should be removed with an approved wood floor cleaner. For vinyl surfaces, shoe marks and scuffmarks that occur on the surface of the material can be cleaned with an approved cleaner. However, the is a natural occurrence on vinyl surfaces and may not entirely go away after cleaning. This in no way affects the performance of the floor.
Daily Care
Daily sweeping with a properly treated dust mop will keep the floor surface free from dust, grit and abrasive particles. Keep all walk off mats clean.
Vinyl Surface Weekly Care
The floor should be swept and mopped at least 3 times a week. Prior to mopping, the floor should be swept with a soft push broom. A corn or stiff bristle broom should not be used. These types of brooms may leave marks and scratches on the surface. Follow directions for vinyl All-Purpose Cleaner.
Wood Surface Monthly Care
Remove foreign debris and clean entire floor with approved wood floor cleaner.
Annual Wood Surface Maintenance
Robbins recommends that your wood surface floor should be “screened” and re-coated with a new coat of finish at least once a year. Properly abrade and tack-clean the floor as recommended by the finish manufacturer prior to applying finish.
Approved Maintenance Products
Vinyl Products: Contact your flooring contractor to determine the brand and type of vinyl used on your floor. You should contact the vinyl manufacturer for detailed maintenance products and procedures. Do not use cleaners with ammonia in the formula, as the ammonia will alter the vinyl making the surface of your floor slippery.
Wood Products: Contact your flooring contractor to determine the brand and type of finish used on your floor. You should contact the finish manufacturer for detailed maintenance products and procedures. When oil based finishes are used, spot cleaning with 100% virgin mineral spirits may be performed for hard to remove dirt and stains. Recycled mineral spirits can contain any number of contaminates, based on where they may have been used; when recycled it is impossible to remove all foreign materials in the liquid. When using 100% virgin mineral spirits you should allow it to flash off a minimum of one hour, no less, depending on conditions (humidity).